Looking to join the Chamber and gain more visibility for your business?
Joining your local New Paris Chamber of Commerce/CVB will give your business networking opportunities, access to resources, and advocacy for you and your employees. We will foster community connections, promote growth, and provide support through collaboration and shared knowledge.
Please use our Online Payment/checkout below to easily, quickly, and securely become a member of the New Paris Area Chamber of Commerce.
Membership Dues:
Membership to the New Paris Chamber of Commerce/CVB is a flat rate depending on your total number of employees. For purposes of calculating dues, please note that 2 part-time employees = 1 total employee.
We encourage businesses to explain the Chamber benefits to their employees to encourage building the individual participation within our community.
**Chamber memberships run January thru December to meet the requirements of SOCA.**
Please fill out the form below. If you would prefer to submit your application by mail or in person, please download the pdf form here.